FREE Book Reveals How To Invest In Property Without Deposits Or Mortgages

Skyrocket Your Business With A Property Investment Coach

Working with the right property investment coach or property mentor can really advance your property business.

Property Investment Education

Unfortunately there are a few property coach cowboys out there who care little about the success of their mentees or -- even worse -- don't actually have much more experience than their mentees!

Coaches are recognised in many professions as a way of achieving peak performance. Singers and top sports people have been using coaches forever.

Coaches in all types of business have become more and more popular over the past ten years. There's a reason for this... it works!

What are the benefits of a coach?

What value can you expect a coach to add to your business?

  • Accountability -- more on this below
  • Increased motivation
  • Unleashed creativity
  • Better performance
  • Access to skills and ideas of a more experienced person
  • These all add up to an improved bottom line.

For me, the number one reason is accountability.

In property, it's all too easy to become un-focussed and faff about doing the things that you feel comfortable doing... But these are often things of high urgency but less importance that will not necessarily make you money. I've been there myself!

Nothing is more effective for gaining focus than setting goals and reviewing them regularly with a mentor or property investment coach.

Do you think you're more likely to call 100 for sale by owner adverts or design and distribute a flyer this week if you agreed you would with a coach who you're seeing next Tuesday? Of course you are!

Leverage your property mentor's expertise!

Being an independent property investor can sometimes feel a bit lonely. Having someone else to bounce ideas off and to give a different perspective on things can be invaluable.

Especially when that person is more experienced on your field than you are...

Your coach will be able to see ways of doing a deal that you were unaware of. He or she will also be able to warn you off doing bad deals.

A good coach will be able to identify opportunities and ways of running your business more profitably that you had never thought of on your own.

A good coach will:

  • Spend time with you to identify your property investment goals
  • Based on your investment goals, formulate a personalised property investment strategy, taking into account your personal skills, your time and funds available
  • From the strategy, they should work with you to create a plan and identify goals
  • Review your progress towards your goals on a regular basis.

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FREE Book Reveals How To Invest In Property Without Deposits Or Mortgages

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John Wilson

Your Host, John Wilson -Investing In Property Since 2003, Amazon #1 Bestselling Author.

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How to Invest in Property Without Deposits or Mortgages