FREE Book Reveals How To Invest In Property Without Deposits Or Mortgages

Rent To Rent Websites


See The Property Investor Website Themes

Rent to rent websites

The biggest challenge for Rent to Rent investors hands-down is getting landlords to say “yes” to their proposal…

Am I right?

You have a fantastic proposition for them: guaranteed rent, no voids, repairs handled, etc etc

But for some reason they just can’t (or won’t) grasp it and prefer to use a letting agent and risk getting their place trashed by bad tenants!!!

What the *&^#%$ ???!

It doesn’t make sense, right?

Rent to rent websites give you instant credibility

So why does it happen?

Well, it’s not a problem with the offer…

It’s not a problem with you…

It’s a problem with your CREDIBILITY…

Credibility is a nebulous thing and it’s hard to pin down exactly how to generate it…

But I can tell you one ingredient that’s almost GUARANTEED to elevate yours…

And that’s a well-conceived website…

That’s right, there’s something almost magical about how the right kind of website can send your credibility through the roof…

I like to say it’s a bit like having a bestselling book to your name…

It can give you the credibility that “greases the skids” to help get your deals over the line…

Now, in days gone by, a website could cost you thousands for a designer to develop…

And even then; how much does a designer know about property investing? So what are the chances of the site actually delivering the goods?

The good news is that we’ve just added a specialist Rent to Rent / HMO theme to our Guerrilla Property Websites platform.

This dual-purpose website site allows you to boost your credibility with landlords and close more deals with your guaranteed rent service.

It allows you to showcase your rooms to your tenant prospects...

The theme features landlord and tenant signup, to grow your database of prospects...

You can even mass email landlords to promote your service so that you're front and centre when they decide they've had enough...!

Picture galleries promoting your rooms so that potential tenants see the high standard you're offering...

No expensive designers here — you can get your site up and running today for just a low monthly subscription.

Discover the themes and secure your Rent to Rent website here.

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FREE Book Reveals How To Invest In Property Without Deposits Or Mortgages

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John Wilson

Your Host, John Wilson -Investing In Property Since 2003, Amazon #1 Bestselling Author.

Stunning Websites For Property Investors
How to Invest in Property Without Deposits or Mortgages