FREE Book Reveals How To Invest In Property Without Deposits Or Mortgages

Property Investment Seminars

NOTE: This course is no longer running. Why not check out our courses instead?

What are you looking for from property investment seminars?

Is it outdated property investment techniques from a so-called guru who probably talks the talk better than he walks the walk?


Is it cutting edge creative strategies -- like lease options and instalment contracts -- taught by someone who has bought and sold over 7,000 properties over 22 years all across the western world?

I know you know it's the second one... And Rick Otton is that guy.

Rick made me sell my letting agency

Property Investment Seminars

That's right, when I attended Rick's Zero Debt Conference property seminar in 2011, I made the decision to sell my letting agency and return to property investment full time.

You see, I had given up a good career in IT to pursue my dream of financial independence through property. I started buying property but I soon ran out of money and had to find another income.

I found that income in the lettings business, taking a job in my then letting agent's office. I eventually built up my own agency managing hundreds of flats across the city, but that's a whole other story!

Anyway, I bought a bunch of property BMV (below market value) but this ground to a halt in 2008 when the banks stopped lending.

Yes, I knew I could keep buying with joint venture partners but to be honest, the hassle that I was experiencing from the properties I had put me off buying many more.

Say goodbye to maintenance and voids

But at Rick's creative property investment seminars, I learned that I didn't need large deposits to keep growing my portfolio. And what's more, I learned strategies that:

  • Increase monthly cash-flow by hundreds
  • Put an end to property maintenance expenses
  • Make arrears a thing of the past
  • Mean that voids just don't happen any more.

Learn the joys of the 2-1 Buydown and the 10/10

Rick has a creative property investment strategy for pretty much any situation you can think of.

At his property seminar, he'll teach you how you can make ridiculous profits even from properties in negative equity...

How to pay a seller more than market value and still make a huge profit...

And how to sell investment property in any market simply by making it easier to buy!

Lease options - buy and sell properties with none of your own money

Instalment contracts - achieve very high monthly cashflow and initial downpayments when selling

Handyman special - how to profit by getting someone else to refurbish a property that you don't even own!

2-1 Buydown - how to sell a property faster and for a higher price than anyone else by giving the buyer a discounted interest rate for the first two years

The 10/10 - learn how you can make a huge profit by paying a seller 10% more for their property over a ten year period.

Prepare to laugh too

This is not a dry, data-driven course, he keeps you fully engaged. I'd do the course again just for the jokes. Not really, but you get the idea. I like Rick. You need him in your life.

Property Investment Seminars - Summary

Property seminar

I am not exaggerating when I say that the strategies I learned at Rick's creative real estate course property seminar changed my life.

They allowed me to improve the quality and profitability of my existing portfolio. And they gave me a super-profitable way of investing in new properties going forward.

In fact, a year later I was proud to be invited back to the same event as one of Rick's "Big Kahunas", to tell my story. I had done a total of seven deals that will net a total in excess of £100,000. And this is just the beginning!

Now, I'm not saying you're going to become a property millionaire overnight but I believe the Zero Debt course will give you the best start, if that's what you want to achieve.

Go ahead and discover more about Rick's property investment seminars here. 

Property Seminar Tips

If Rick's course is not for you or if you're not ready to jump in with both feet just yet then here are some tips you can use in evaluating the various UK property investment seminars on the market.

Look for Testimonials

Firstly, make sure you look for reviews and testimonials for the seminar you are interested in, this should go without saying. As you do with anything else you're choosing in life, read the reviews of people that have actually been on the course and that have experienced what you will be experiencing.

investment property seminar

Who is Among Past Students?

Secondly, a great way to find out if the seminar will benefit you is if the speaker has trained other trainers. If there are a group of trainers that have all been trained by one person, you know that the one person will be highly effective when training you.

Who knows, with a little bit of work, you could also be in the position where you can train others!  

Is this Property Investment Seminar a Pitch-Fest?

I have been to multiple-speaker UK property investment seminars in the past where, despite some fairly good content, every single person onstage finishes their slot with a 20 minute pitch.

While, I am not completely opposed to speakers doing this as many do have genuine value to give, it can become rather wearing after a while. Not to mention a bit hazardous if you have trouble keeping your wallet in your pocket!

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FREE Book Reveals How To Invest In Property Without Deposits Or Mortgages

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John Wilson

Your Host, John Wilson -Investing In Property Since 2003, Amazon #1 Bestselling Author.

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How to Invest in Property Without Deposits or Mortgages